Sharks Gallery

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Ampullae of Lorenzini Juvenile great white shark claspers Juvenile (3.5 ft.) white shark snout Great white shark growth rings Close-up of neptunic marine safety suit Jeremiah Sullivan, neptune suit inventor WWI shark chaser (repellent) US Navy Native Hawaiian shark tooth necklace So. Pacific islander shark tooth spears Shark fin soup: an oriental delicacy Shark skin boots: stronger than cowhide 6 ft. Whitetip reef shark near Australia Breaching mako: R. Ellis illustration Swellshark embryo with yolk Brown cat shark embryo in egg case Juvenile spiny dogfish Blue sharks Megamouth Shark Divers in shark cage, So. Australia White shark peers into shark cage Diver photographing blue shark Research divers study lemon shark Sponge diver attacked by shark 19th Century depiction of shark attack Shark Attacks Photograph of a shark fossil Shark poses for curious diver White shark attacks bait Sharks engaged in a feeding frenzy Blue attacks diver in neptune suit Researchers study sharks in captivity Reef shark Shark skin Shark rests on ocean bottom Sharks foil Devil's Island escape Shark Attacks